New! Pain & Addiction, Best Practices & Proper Prescribing: The Creative Tension of Addiction Treatment and Recovery
February 8, 2024
February 7, 2027
3.5 CME, 4.2 Nursing, 4.2 Nursing Pharmacology, 3.5 ADA CERP, 3.5 MOC points (ABIM, ABS)
Credit Fee:
Free to view, $55 to claim credit
Target Audience:
This course is designed for all clinicians—physicians, dentists, nurses, physician assistants and others—who prescribe opioid medications and who care for patients receiving opioid medications.
Pain & Addiction, Best Practices & Proper Prescribing: Changing a Culture by Changing the Culture of Medicine
April 17, 2023
March 31, 2026
3.25 CME, 3.8 Nursing, 2 Nurse Pharmacology, 3.25 ADA CERP
Credit Fee:
Free to view, $55 for credit
Target Audience:
This course is designed for all clinicians—physicians, dentists, nurses, physician assistants and others—who prescribe opioid medications and who care for patients receiving opioid medications.
Physician Wellbeing and the Physician Health Program
Credit: 1.5 CME, 1.8 Nursing Contact Hours
Credit Fee: Credit for this course is provided free of charge.
Target Audience: Physicians, Nurses, PAs, Residents, and Students working within hospitals or outside hospital systems.
Following completion of this web course, participants should be able to:
- explain illness and impairment recognition in healthcare and other licensed professionals.
- begin the implementation process of identifying and managing matters of individual health for healthcare and other licensed professionals.
- explain the process of referral to the WVMPHP, by self or others, in a confidential, professional and respectful manner.
- demonstrate knowledge of the commitment to quality and expectations for those who work in the patient care setting.
Released October 23, 2020. Expires September 30, 2023