West Virginia Medical Professionals Health Program


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The WVMPHP is an independent, non-profit 501(c)3 charitable organization developed with the involvement and continued support of the WV Board of Medicine, the WV Board of Osteopathic Medicine, the WV Hospital Association, the WV Osteopathic Medical Association, the WV State Medical Association, the WV Mutual Insurance Company, the WV Healthcare Authority, the WV Society of Addiction Medicine, physicians and interested others. Legislative changes brought about Senate Bill 573 in March 2007. This Bill authorizes the WV Board of Medicine and the WV Board of Osteopathic Medicine to designate programs in which physicians, podiatrists and physician assistants may be monitored while they pursue treatment and recovery for alcohol abuse, chemical dependency or major mental illness; enrolling on a voluntary basis without being subject to disciplinary action if the person complies with the goals of and compliance with the program.

The WVMPHP has signed formal agreements with both the WV Board of Medicine and the WV Board of Osteopathic Medicine authorizing the WVMPHP to monitor physicians, podiatrists and physician assistants “while they pursue treatment and recovery for alcohol or substance abuse or dependency or major mental illness….”. The legislation allows for confidential participation without full knowledge of their licensure Board if treatment is related to self-administration of alcohol and other drugs and there is no evidence of patient harm. Physicians under investigation by either Board may also be enrolled in the program while the appropriate Board continues to investigate and/or take disciplinary action against the professional. When any professional enters the program, our staff will check for any known Board action against him or her.